Scientists discovered our brain’s GPS system
We are very good at wayfinding, i.e. find our way home, remember our favorite places or forget places without difficulty.
That is, even without a smartphone, we can easily do the most difficult tasks of navigation.
But why does this happen? Its secret has been known by scientists.
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In fact, our brains have a natural compass that works like a GPS.
Scientists have discovered a part of the brain that acts like a compass to help navigate the environment.
This part of the brain sends electrical signals to nerve cells to tell them which direction to go on a new path.
This was discovered in a joint study by the University of Birmingham in the UK and the Ludwig Maximilian University in Germany.
Identifying pathways is critical for us, and even the slightest miscalculation can be catastrophic, the researchers said.
We already know that such natural systems help in wayfinding in birds, mice and bats, he added. But surprisingly, we know very little about this ability of the human brain.
The study involved 52 healthy people and had EEG monitors attached to their heads to monitor their brain activity while walking.
Apart from this, mental monitoring of 10 people suffering from different mental diseases was also done and they were instructed to follow different paths.
With both experiments, scientists were able to identify brain signals that determine direction.
Researchers believe that these signals help us find our way by acting like an internal brain compass.
“He said that these signals aided us in understanding the brain’s navigation processes and elucidating their interaction with vision.”
He said that the research will help in the future to know about the diseases that cause brain degeneration while it will also be possible to improve the navigation technologies of robots or artificial intelligence technology.
The findings from the research were reported in the journal Nature Human Behavior.