Fighter jets controlled by AI technology began to perform better than humans

Fighter jets controlled by AI technology began to perform better than humans

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is being used in various fields of life.

Now this technology is starting to surpass humans even in the combat of fighter jets.

According to the report of the American news agency, F-16 fighter jets controlled by AI technology outperformed human pilots in dogfights.

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In the past few days, a fighter plane controlled by AI technology made a test flight from a base in the US state of California.

During this test flight, the AI-controlled F-16 traveled more than 550 miles in one hour.

Although this AI system is still in its early stages, it has been able to outperform human pilots in various air combat tactics.

A lot of work is being done on AI technology by the US Air Force as it believes that it is a technology that will change the world of warfare.

This technology will be made part of more than 1000 fighter jets and these planes will become operational by 2028.

US Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall was also on board the test flight of the fighter jet.

He said what he observed during the test flight indicated that the technology could self-select weapons in a war.

On the other hand, experts say that allowing AI technology to make decisions on its own could lead to the loss of innocent lives.

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