If you want to stay fit, learn how to exercise while fasting

If you want to stay fit, learn how to exercise while fasting

Many people stop exercising during Ramadan because your body undergoes various changes during this time.

But medical experts believe that exercising during the month of fasting can lead to ideal health and fitness.

According to Arab News, United Arab Emirates trainer and nutrition coach Devendra Bains has talked about balancing exercise and diet with fasting.

According to him, 5 such exercises can be helpful during fasting, which will also reduce the possibility of your shortness of breath.

Shoulder exercise

Stand up straight and slowly lift your arm straight up and then slowly return your arm back to the starting position, repeat this exercise with the other arm, do both arms 10 times.

Walking lunges

Take a step forward with your right foot but keep the left knee on the ground, change your position every 3 to 5 seconds and repeat 5 times, do this exercise as shown in the video below. is shown.


Plank is an exercise that, if you include it in your routine, it has a very quick and positive effect on you, it is a magical exercise for those who sit for 8-10 hours in offices.

A few of the more beneficial of the many plank techniques are one in which you lift yourself off the ground with your hands and feet in a push-up style, putting all the weight on the hands and feet, especially the toes.The back, legs, arms, and belly muscles support the whole weight in this condition.

In the second method, the wrists and elbows along with the claws of the hands are down on the ground and only the claws of the feet are connected to the ground.

Jumping squats

Jumping squats are the best exercise to strengthen leg and butt muscles, start with 15 jumping squats and increase the number of jumping squats day by day to 40 jumping squats.


Push-ups are very healthy exercise that not only keeps you physically fit but also makes your body smart and muscles in shape, besides it increases your metabolism.

The way to do push-ups is to first lie on the ground on the stomach with the palms of the hands on the ground.

Then, pushing the palms of the hands and the toes, lift the body up from the ground in such a way that the arms are completely straight, then again bring the body back to the ground, but the body does not touch the ground.


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